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Starts at BP, Corner of 14th and Valerie Ave



Full Everest = 67 repeats. 

1/2  Everest = 34 repeats.

1/4  Everest = 17 repeats.


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GPX File Image

Starts at entrance to Kloofendal Nature Reserve 



Full Everest = 78 repeats. 

1/2  Everest = 39 repeats.

1/4  Everest = 20 repeats.


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Everesting Challenge 
Johannesburg Venues

21 - 22 May 2022 


Runners Route

Johannesburg Aid Station / Waterpoints :

Cyclists: Aid Station will be at grass park opposite Kloofendal main entrance 

Runners: Aid Station will be BP Corner of 14th and Valerie Ave, Northcliff



Starting times: 

Runners Start Saturday 21 May 08:00

Cyclists start Friday 20 May 20:00

Cut-Off for all events is 20h00 Sunday 22nd May


Anyone is welcome to "sell'' their peaks/hills and just do as many as they can. For example, get your employer, family and friends to sponsor each hill repeat that you complete and donate to your fundraiser account.



For this option you will need to sign up with a personal fundraising profile on GivenGain and then link it to our GivenGain Event Page for the funds to go directly to Rhino Connect NPO.

Cyclists Route

`JHB Cycle Route.jpg
JHB Run.jpg

Johannesburg Venues proudly sponsored by: 

Corrie Barnard Photography, Powerbar SA & More to follow


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